Kauai Nursery & Landscaping (KNL) is a full-service nursery and licensed (#ABC-10825) landscape company offering ornamental and edible plants and trees; soil, compost, and mulch; pots and planters; statuary and fountains; garden accessories; crushed rock and other aggregate; and stepping stones, bricks, and pebbles. Contracting services include landscape and hardscape design for professional installation or do it yourself; irrigation services; landscape maintenance; and clearing and hauling. KNL also offers Department of Agriculture certified plants for shipment to the mainland and inter-island. KNL is Kauai’s largest retail and wholesale nursery offering over 80,000 square feet of retail space and employing over 100 specialized staff, including Landscape Architects, Designers, Installation and Maintenance Crews, Irrigation Specialists, Arborists, Pesticide Specialists, Nursery Sales Associates, Propagation Specialists, Mechanics, Office Staff, and Nursery Managers.
KNL, founded by owner Lelan Nishek, has served Kauai for over 45 years growing from a small nursery to operating on approximately 150 acres. KNL has been on the forefront of providing plants and services for the rapid development of the Hawaiian Islands and rebuilding efforts on Kauai after hurricane Iniki. KNL invests in educating the people of Kauai through public workshops and participating in local and national landscape organizations to be on the cutting edge of landscape and care programs, including the Kauai Invasive Species Committee’s aim to reduce invasive plant species on Kauai.
The KNL Mission Statement:
To satisfy our clients' vision and find sustainable, cost-effective solutions to all their landscape needs while maintaining our role as stewards of our environment.
The KNL Philosophy is rooted in making every effort to reinvest in our local community by employing a local workforce; growing products using local resources; spending our financial resources at local businesses; donating time and finances to local charities; and adopting and adopting and/or creating new technologies that will benefit our local environment.
KNL’s mission and philosophy outline specific goals that shape and inform our company culture, namely to ensure the well-being of our employees, customers, and clients; maintain our presence as a locally owned, managed, and employed business; support and encourage diversified agriculture on Kauai; support and improve effectiveness of our natural resource conservation and recycling; and to consistently investigate new opportunities for business improvement.